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Press & Media

For press inquiries, please contact:

August 17, 2023

Join the Pacific Northwest People Over Profit Coalition’s protest against APEC’s corporate plunder

International Examiner

August 2, 2023

APEC forum draws protests against potential free trade pacts

Real Change News

July 30, 2023

VIDEO: Hundreds rally against APEC

KIRO 7 News

July 24, 2023

Battle corporate globalization in Seattle: APEC starts this week, come protest with us on Saturday

The Stranger

May 1, 2023

VIDEO: May Day rally for immigrant, worker rights moves through Seattle

KIRO 7 News

August 9, 2023

Workers, migrants, women join forces at Peoples’ Summit to oppose APEC

The Red Phoenix

August 1, 2023

Filipino community and allies rally against state neglect as APEC meetings convene in Seattle

South Seattle Emerald

July 19, 2023

Resistance to APEC Ministerial Meeting in Seattle, July 29 to August 21


May 5, 2023
Hundreds march in Seattle for International Workers Day


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¡El pueblo está en contra de APEC! ¡Lucha contra la Reunión Ministerial de APEC en Seattle! ¡Organícense y rechacen las falsas soluciones neoliberales! ¡Defender y luchar por los derechos de los trabajadores, las mujeres, los migrantes y nuestro planeta!

PNW People over Profit Logo - depicts three people: one person raising a fist, one raising a sign, another a flag. The exclamation point is a pin that is popping a green balloon labelled as "APEC"
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