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What is APEC up to in Seattle?

APEC happens behind closed doors - learn more about the many meetings of 'private-public partnerships' happening throughout the month of August during the APEC Senior Officials' and Ministerial Meetings (SOM3).

Confront APEC in San Francisco this November!

Join the No 2 APEC coalition in the fight against neoliberal attacks on the people and environment at the APEC Summit on November 11 & 12!

Learn more about the national coalition by visiting the No 2 Apec webpage:

Past Events

¡El pueblo está en contra de APEC! ¡Lucha contra la Reunión Ministerial de APEC en Seattle! ¡Organícense y rechacen las falsas soluciones neoliberales! ¡Defender y luchar por los derechos de los trabajadores, las mujeres, los migrantes y nuestro planeta!

PNW People over Profit Logo - depicts three people: one person raising a fist, one raising a sign, another a flag. The exclamation point is a pin that is popping a green balloon labelled as "APEC"
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